Robin Gibb hat "Mother Of Love" in Deutschland, Österreich, der Schweiz, in den skandinavischen Ländern and Italien als digitale Single veröffentlicht. Sie ist über erhältlich und soll in Kürze auch über iTunes zum Download bereitstehen. Sämtliche persönliche Einnahmen aus dem Song stellt Robin Gibb der Janki Foundation for Global Health Care zur Verfügung.
Währenddessen ist auch ein weiterer TV-Termin bekannt gegeben worden. Am 2. Dezember tritt Robin Gibb in der schweizer TV Show "Benissimo" (SF1, 20:05) auf. Auch für Deutschland sind noch weitere Termine in Planung.
AntwortenLöschenIf you would like to know more about the beleifs of the Brahma Kumaris, which include the immanent destruction of this world by Nuclaer Holocaust, civil war, and natural disaster, the death of 6 Billion "impure" people to make way for a Golden Age on Earth for 900,000 of their faithful followers, and that all of time exists in a repeating Cycle of 5,000 years; please go to this site;
The Brahma Kumaris teach that God descends into their mediums and speaks only to them. That this world is impure and must be destroyed. That only they are pure and will be saved. That all other religions must come to them to taught true religion. is volunteer run collaboration of mainly ex-members and associates of the BKWSU* offering a forum for mutual support and discussion and free access to information. It is impartial and non-doctrinal. Intended to be honest, informed and accurate, the site and its contributors take a detailed look at this international organization, its leaders and the effects of the lifestyle promoted by its leaders.
*BKWSU, also known as ;
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Visha Vidyalaya.
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organisation
Brahma Kumaris Educational Society
Rajyoga Education & Research Foundation
Learning Center For Peace
The Meditation Center
Inner Space
Living Values Education Program
Self Management Leadership
Visions of a Better World Foundation
The Janki Foundation for Global Health Care & others's primary focus of activity is the Forum & Encyclopedia which now includes the making public of the religion's core teachings which are hidden to the general public.
One of its core activities is looking for "mics", or "microphones" ... famous people to front up their oganization and attract individual in. It appears that Mr Gibb has been caught very well and we wonder how much he knows about what they really teach?